I will explain the main influences of the stars and planets, the internet can help you much more to explore this and if you are curious about your own 'wheel of fortune' (your horoscope chart) I can recommend to go to to get your personal chart chart.


I call it the 'wheel of fortune' as everyone is unique and you are in charge of your own fortune, your own luck, karma, life cycles, destiny and turning points, with the cards you have been given. Remember that life is in a constant phase of change, turning & swirling from internal or external factors. If you go through difficult times, rest assured that it will get better from here. Trust yourself and be yourself, there are enough others already.


Personal stars & planets (these represent who you are and your main character in short terms): 

Sun - your sun is your personality, your ego (Leo, strength), the main sign in which you where born

Moon - your moon sign is reflecting your emotions, behavior

Mercury - your mercury is the way you think and communicate 

Venus* - your Venus is how you love and what you love, where you attract beauty & money * morning or evening star

Mars - your mars is about your actions 


Social planets:

Jupiter - your luck, learning, wisdom, overindulgence, truth, law

Saturn -  your restrictions, your karmic teacher


Generational planets (influences from the collective generations):

Uranus -  your liberation, area's of change

Neptune - your hopes, dreams, illusions, addictions

Pluto -  your transformer, your soul


The way your planets are expressing themselves, depends on which sign they are in and the zodiac house tells about in which area of your life your planets are expressing themselves.

There are 6 axis in an horoscope chart. Each axis embeds an area of life. The signs are 180° apart and oppose eachother, they are in polarity. The opposite end of the axis describe contrary methods of life. The signs experience a pull to one another. They have the contrary quality, frequently uneasy with one another, however they  complement eachother. They push & pull. Opposite attracts!

The axis are:

Aries - Libra 

Taurus - Scorpio 

Gemini - Sagittarius 

Cancer - Capricorn 

Leo - Aquarius 

Virgo - Pisces 


Planet cycles (the time to travel the full zodiac) below:

Your karmic path's: North & South nodes (cycle of 18 years - every 9 years opposites)

Healing pain: Chiron, your deepest pain is your greatest power

Your dark side: Black Moon Lilith (BML) 

Your stroke of luck: Pars Fortuna


Asteroids have a subtle effect but can be a strong influence when conjunct personal planets or angles:

Juno (wife of Zeus) -  tells you what you look for or attracted to in a partner

Ceres (mother) (nature) - (Demeter) what we need to feel nurtured and those around us

Vesta (Hearth goddess) -  the sacred fire within

Hekate (determines your inner sense) (Phases of Diana- goddess of change, of the decay that must proceed renewal, of life, and of death)

Nemesis (Converting Guilt to Ego Death)

Sedna (Converting Fear to Power)


(More on greek mythology & godesses to be found in the appendix)

Persephone - daughter of Zeus & Demeter

Narcissus/echo -  the vain narcist - the silent follower

Dejanira - the victim

Nessus -  the abuser

Destiny gate: Vertex - point of fate




Yod: Finger of god - this calls for a special, fated mission, on the apex there is a planet which is inconjunct to two different planets and those two are in sextile with each other.  The point of exact opposite the apex is the planet who can balance this point out.




Backward motion of the planets in astrology are called  retrogrades.

The energy of these retrogrades requires going inward. You can have retrograde (rx) planets in your natal chart, where the energy of the planet & house asks you to go inward (self-analyses)

Planets in transit go rx a few times the year, when that happens you can experience a back & forward movement arround an issue of situation.


Retrograde calendar


Astrology cheatsheet (credits to the owner)

Astrology for Dummies