The antidote is within the poison 

Yin/Yang - Infinity - Polarity

- everything in life has it’s own polarity, energy, balance -

- everything in life produces it's own course of direction -

- everything in life is connected -

There is always free will


What do you mean? 

What is life?
[the condition that distinguishes the existence of human beings, animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death. [Wiki-Google]


Have you ever seen the movie sliding doors? 
The movie is about if one tiny aspect changes by a decision you make, or due to an external event, everything changes. The movie shows 2 scenario’s, what if you catch the train, what if you miss it through circumstances.  Something like the butterfly effect. Makes you think, right?
At least it made me think..

Life is a movement of waves, based upon choices you encounter, path's to take. Coincidence doesn’t exist. Everything happens for reasons. Reasons you only understand after an amount of time. Past-present-future. If I would tell you that all is predestined, some of you might check out. As you do not believe in these matters. "I do not believe in that spiritual stuff". "I have a free will", "I have choices'". Yes you do. Your path is paved, you pave your path yourself, the road is width. With the width of that road you can choose, but eventually it will always bring you where you need to be, back on your karmic path. Let me put this in other words. 

If you dive into your memory, back to elementary school, you have learned the 'opposites'. Black-white, big-small, long-short, up-down, right-left, good-bad, right-wrong, above-below, feminine, masculine etc.

Imagine that your life is a contra dictionary road full of choices and every choice you make has an opposite site effect. A sacrifice, big or small. sorry guys, you can't have it all. Every benefit has it's downside. Good or bad, right or wrong. What is right, what is wrong? Perception. [is the process of attaining awareness or understanding of sensory information. It can also be explained as how a person feels towards something. wiki-google]

So let me give you some explanation and example.

I love lemons. lemons are bitter but full of vitamin c, I love the smell, the yellow color, they appeal visually attractive to me. They remind me of summer, warmth, exotic places. If I see a lemon, my neurons in my brain are programmed through my experience of taste, look and feel from them. But you on the other hand maybe think, "I do not like them", "the taste is bitter", "I'd rather eat oranges to get my vitamins". So your perception is different from mine. Based upon that perception you make the choice of eating oranges instead. So if you take this example into a bigger picture, you may understand what I am trying to say. The pictures below is self-explanatory, looking at something from a different angle, (opposite) view and based upon that you have a choice and before you make a decision which route you take, you might start to defend yourself, explain yourself, quest another, you may start to explore why the other does not like lemons. If the reason is getting vitamin C, it doesn't matter which to choose from; you can get to the same result by taking different roads, choosen from different perceptions, leading to different path's, with different lessons to learn, but the outcome is the same. By doing that, you start understanding yourself better and if you understand yourself, you understand an other.

The antidote is within the poison.

If you understand the law of polarity, where there are two opposite views in the same situation, the solution is within the opposite view of the other to balance a dispute out in the middleground.