✨W H A T 'S  S C R I B B L E D✨




Don’t get delulu

Uranus conjunct Mars in Taurus on the 26° of malefic fixed star Algol.Let’s talk about Algol. Algol connected to the myth of Medusa. Medusa was beheaded by Perseus (Greek hero Hermes, the messenger) the planet: Mercury.Medusa, if you are looking in her eyes you will turn into stone.

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This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius

Finally Uranus -as a closing point of retrograde season- has gone direct two days ago. What a relief. Uranus is exact conjunct to my Mercury and 1° away to my Venus. Uranus on my Mercury gave me a lot of neck pain. Since Uranus is slow moving and erretic (electrifying) it gave me a lot of physical pains. Also after full moons I feel better. We just had a Leo full Moon which is in my tranformational 8th house.  Between new & full moon I experience physical pains. It's a pattern in which I can't put my finger on the why and have them as long as I can remember. 

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The Exposure Triangle

The Vertex (vx) in your chart. Not Vortex! The vertex in the chart is a mathematical gate of fate in the chart. Only accurately measurable when you know time of birth.

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NeptuneRX & Mercury - Flying of the grid

-this ⬇️ happens when Mercury in transit is conjunct your Sagittarius ascendant: a deep dive soul read manifestation from the subconscious to the conscious mind, brewed in Scorpio behind the horizon, Mars & the Sun still brewing there currently, curious to see which actions are manifested-

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Uranus 💡

Born with a Uranus Retrograde at 5° Libra at the MC. Uranus started it's retrogrades motion on January 13, 1970 at 8° of Libra. 3 months before my birth. At June 12, 1970 it stations direct at 4° Libra. Sidenote:My Moon at birth is at 8° of Libra. The energy is intertwined. 

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When you wake up in the middle of the night for no reason at all and this song just plays in your head (a cover released in the 80's), out of the blue, it must have a reason✨🌙.. eclipsed reason.

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