Veil-less catharsis
What do you get when you're in eclipse season and a stellium in Pisces is happening in your 3rd house? A musical swirling catharsis storm inside.
✨W H A T 'S S C R I B B L E D✨
21 feb 2025 17:09
What do you get when you're in eclipse season and a stellium in Pisces is happening in your 3rd house? A musical swirling catharsis storm inside.
7 jan 2025 23:28
Where you come from, tells you where you are going.
19 jul 2024 11:28
Waxing gibbous Moon on it’s way being full in Capricorn.
15 jul 2024 22:21
Uranus conjunct Mars in Taurus on the 26° of malefic fixed star Algol.Let’s talk about Algol. Algol connected to the myth of Medusa. Medusa was beheaded by Perseus (Greek hero Hermes, the messenger) the planet: Mercury.Medusa, if you are looking in her eyes you will turn into stone.
16 feb 2024 14:29
The mysteries of the secretive 8th house.
14 feb 2024 13:08
29 jan 2024 20:35
Finally Uranus -as a closing point of retrograde season- has gone direct two days ago. What a relief. Uranus is exact conjunct to my Mercury and 1° away to my Venus. Uranus on my Mercury gave me a lot of neck pain. Since Uranus is slow moving and erretic (electrifying) it gave me a lot of physical pains. Also after full moons I feel better. We just had a Leo full Moon which is in my tranformational 8th house. Between new & full moon I experience physical pains. It's a pattern in which I can't put my finger on the why and have them as long as I can remember.
23 jan 2024 01:25
The Vertex (vx) in your chart. Not Vortex! The vertex in the chart is a mathematical gate of fate in the chart. Only accurately measurable when you know time of birth.
22 nov 2023 19:02
Ahhhgrrrr… Pluto on it’s way to 29° again in Capricorn. In my chart in the 2nd house. Let me analyze this into detail:
20 nov 2023 21:32
-this ⬇️ happens when Mercury in transit is conjunct your Sagittarius ascendant: a deep dive soul read manifestation from the subconscious to the conscious mind, brewed in Scorpio behind the horizon, Mars & the Sun still brewing there currently, curious to see which actions are manifested-
18 nov 2023 22:44
A waxing gibbous Moon 🌔
29 okt 2023 10:27
Born with a Uranus Retrograde at 5° Libra at the MC. Uranus started it's retrogrades motion on January 13, 1970 at 8° of Libra. 3 months before my birth. At June 12, 1970 it stations direct at 4° Libra. Sidenote:My Moon at birth is at 8° of Libra. The energy is intertwined.