The mysteries of the secretive 8th house.
First a little explanation what the 8th house in astrology is about?
House of Scorpio, ruler: Pluto & Mars; Scorpio 8th house is the place of death, resilience, resurrection, transformation, joint assets (coming from the 7th-relationship-house), secrets, inheritance (incl spiritual gifts), (self) sacrifice.
Within the sign of Scorpio there are 3 evolution stages, the Scorpio, the Eagle and the Phoenix.
The Scorpion represents lower vibration, which is: evil, manipulative, jealous, overly secretive, controlling
The Eagle represents the evolving and ambitious Scorpio. Eagle Scorpios keep their eye on the prize and avoid drama as much as they can.
And the final level of evolution is the Phoenix stage, in which we accept and own our darkness and transform it into light. Phoenix Scorpios rise from their own ashes, spiritually influencing everyone around them.
The bitter sting of Scorpio of loss and heartbreak hits at it's core.
Growing through pain.
My 8th house is ruled by Cancer & Leo, resp. the Moon & the Sun, resp. the mother & the father, resp. the 4th & the 5th house, resp. the place where I live & upbringing and pleasures & creation in life.
14° Sirius 8th house cusp Cancer at the Taurus degree; Sirius on the 8th house cusp can create fame & fortune beyond death.
12th house, 22° Scorpio (which is the Capricorn degree)
7° Aries, 4th house cusp at the Libra degree
So analyzing further down, it's abouth my 5th house (Taurus, with a Leo flavor), 2nd house (Capricorn with a Taurus flavor) and my 10th house (Libra with a Capricorn flavor).
Going into more depth, it's about creation, worth, public status & authority and relationships.
Does magick exist?
If you'd asked me with my South Node in Virgo and it's ruler in the fixed sign of Taurus many years ago, I would say 'keep dreaming'. But since my North Node is in Pisces and activated throughout my life many, many times I can say that it does. But what is the definition of magick? Magick is 'art of utilizing natural forces around us to bring about change'. Magick is neutral. (Magick, not magic).
I am not the only one with the North Node in Pisces. Does anyone who has this placement have the same experience? No. It depends on the full chart. The ruler of Pisces is Neptune & Jupiter. In my chart located at 12th house 0° Sagittarius & 10th house 1° Scorpio. They make a possitive aspect with eachother and they are my 'gatekeepers' of the sign of Scorpio, it starts with my JupiterRX and ends with my NeptuneRX. Jupiter is my chart ruler. Scorpio is the sign which rules life & death (transformation) and Neptune is able to see through the veil, Jupiter makes it big. And a Pluto retrograde makes is complete.
Not only these placements makes me 'see through/feel through' things (or see the root causes) but also some asteroids in the Gallactic Centre in my chart give me these insights from other realms. The ability of 'just knowing' things.
The older I get, the more I experience things beyond the invisible.
When I wrote a part of this article, the Moon was exact conjunct my natal Chiron placement at 7° of Aries, conjunct my IC. Healing took place as I finalized writing project. Mercury is exact conjunct my South Node in Virgo.
Not any writing project, but one that brought healing for many, including myself. It took no effort, a natural flow of what was written in the stars. Everytime I am amazed about the inscrutable ways of the Universe.
So when a 8th house Leo-Pandorra 2° trines with a 12th house Sagittarius 2° Pandorra, you get a lot of fiery shadow aspects flying from the box in a flowing way.
My 8th house Scorpio vibes:
Ascendant 8° of Sag, Moon 8° of Libra, Venus 20° of Taurus, JupiterRx 1° of Scorpio.
What has chat GPT to say about BML conjunct Vesta in the 8th house:
The conjunction of Vesta and Lilith in the 8th house amplifies the intensity and depth of your focus on themes related to transformation, hidden truths, and personal empowerment. This alignment suggests a strong dedication to exploring taboo subjects, embracing your primal instincts, and diving into areas often considered dark or mysterious. You might feel a powerful drive to uncover hidden truths or explore unconventional aspects of life, especially concerning sexuality, power dynamics, or psychological depth. This combination can fuel a fierce determination to reclaim personal power and authenticity within transformative experiences or relationships.
And so it is...
A horoscope chart is a blueprint from the first breath into life, a map not only set in stone, but in between transits & aspects there are a lot of opportunities and touches of magick.
All of the planets working together to delve deep into the dark parts which may brought to the light. So the Sun can shine its rays with a touch of magick. These depths are there to learn from, not to walk away from. The dead live next to the living, eventhough we cannot see them, they are here, right next to us. The light is next to the dark. The highs are next to the lows.
What Scorpio wants with it's sting is to wake you up, to activate the dark parts in the depths of the soul from previous & this life. The Sun sets a light on your being, the Moon lits the parts of the past and uncovers feelings hidden away, the 8th house is your treasure trove between life & death where you can find the magick.
Use the wand and the wisdom when you find it✨🪽

✨ Full Moon in Gemini 28/11/2023
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