Finally Uranus -as a closing point of retrograde season- has gone direct two days ago. What a relief.
Uranus is exact conjunct to my Mercury and 1° away to my Venus. Uranus on my Mercury gave me a lot of neck pain. Since Uranus is slow moving and erretic (electrifying) it gave me a lot of physical pains. Also after full moons I feel better. We just had a Leo full Moon which is in my tranformational 8th house. Between new & full moon I experience physical pains. It's a pattern in which I can't put my finger on the why and have them as long as I can remember.
Retrograde planets are introspective. Contemplating energy. Mercury & Venus are ruling my 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th & 10th house. With the south node transiting in Libra and the north node transiting in Aries, Venus & Mars will play a huge role in my life the next 2 years. Same as the past two years when they were in Scorpio & Taurus. Mars as ruler of my Aries Sun and Venus as hit by Uranus, all changes take place in the above mentioned houses as wel as my core 4th house.
In non astrological language I can expect changes arround house, family, work, children, d2d life, relationships, believe system, work. Basically total life changes.
Uranus, the lightning bolt of change, upheaval of the nerve system of the body, ruler of electricity (internal: neurons of the brain) & technology, ruler of Aquarius, the hippie. Pluto (still squaring my Sun) just entered Aquarius, it'll change* our society completely the upcoming years.
It'll change me. Changes which I sense in my body, mind and at soul level. Parts of me I leave behind, the first Pluto part is behind me and the second part is playing as I write this. The energy where ( in this case) an outer planet is on it's way to conjunction is a very sensible energy which I sense in my body and experience externally. Once it crossed over the exact degree, it reached it's peak. 'The worst' is over, the rest will play out after the peak and unfold how it is supposed to be. When planets go retrograde over that same degree, one experiences the same again. Back & forth. When planets are retrograde the energy is sensible that one contemplates about situations and once direct it's finally time to move forward. Physical & mental issues are worked through and the moving energy forward is a relief. My ability is to sense these energies. Waking up with a planet going direct is like the elastic band is released. You pull the elastic band backwards to let it go so it can release forward. It propels ahead. It's amazing how energy works. Having a 'bodyly' antenna is a curse and a blessing. Since Uranus is exactly conjunct my natal Mercury in Taurus at this degree I receive an overload of mental downloads. Too many ideas pop into my head, too much to grasp in one go.
Mercury as my desendant & 9th house ruler. Relationships & higher learnings. Pluto's transit on the other hand is in exact trine with my natal planet Mars, my ruler as Aries, sextile my Neptune, which is opposite my Mars.
Time to go ahead, move on. Leaving the intensity of Capricorn behind. Pluto was in Capricorn the past 15 years. Boy, I can write a book about the intensity of that roalercoaster ride. Saturn made space for Uranus and moved from leading act to sidekick. From my 5th house to the 9th house at the MC in my chart. My outlook in life.
Now that all the planets are direct and Pluto (H2) is in trine with my Mars (H6) and my natal Uranus (H9) which went direct in my progressed chart, I am sensing this overwhelming double whammy of universal energetic downloads with all that Uranus mental movement. The Moon was just full at 5° Leo, exact on my MC in my Solar return and in my natal 8th house trine to my IC and Ascendant. Fire.
Uranus as ruler of Aquarius, the planet for a.o. Astrology.
To release all that energy I walk 10 km a day, steps of transformation, transition, transcendence, transmutation.
Feed on the ground, head up in the air, fire in my body.
It's a new day, a new dawn, a new me✨
Astrology just rocks!
* 'Harmony and understandingSympathy and trust aboundingNo more falsehoods or derisionsGolden living dreams of visionsMystic crystal revelationAnd the mind's true liberationAquarius'
The water bearer, the Star card in the Tarot represents Aquarius. Nr. 17 (1 (new beginning) +7 (seeing beyond) = 8 (transformation). Air element. It signifies a renewal of spirit, bringing forth calmness, serenity and an optimistic outlook for the future.
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